Vendor:St James FeelGood
🌱 Discover high-quality Enectaliana CBD flowers and Enectarol CBG flowers 🌼
Our selection of high-quality Enectaliana branded CBD flowers and Enectarol CBG flowers offer you an excellent opportunity to experience the multiple benefits of the hemp plant.
What is CBG Flower? The CBG flower is a hemp flower with a high CBG content. CBG or cannabigerol is one of the 100+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike psychoactive compounds, CBG does not get you "stoned". In some strains of industrial hemp, such as Jack Frost, CBG is specifically bred to take advantage of its beneficial properties. Like THC and CBD, CBG also interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the body and offers unique effects.
What does CBG flower do? CBG flowers provide the body with CBG, which binds to cell receptors in the body known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. The body naturally produces endocannabinoids that bind to these receptors and are part of the body's messaging system. This interaction allows CBG to develop its beneficial properties.
Benefits of CBG Flower: CBG flower supports a wide range of health systems including mood, energy, sleep patterns, and muscle and joint function. CBG may even help mitigate the potential paranoid effects of THC in marijuana users.
No Intoxicating Effects: Unlike THC, which causes the "high," CBG doesn't get you stoned. The other cannabinoids, including CBG, in the plant do not cause any psychoactive effects when consumed.
Experience the natural diversity of the hemp plant with our premium CBD and CBG flowers. A gift of nature for your well-being.
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