30% CBD Oil Premium

🌿 30% Premium CBD Oil - The purity of nature for your well-being 🍃 Our natural CBD extract comes from selected industrial hemp plants, which are naturally rich in cannabidiol and have an exceptionally low...
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🌿 30% Premium CBD Oil - The purity of nature for your well-being 🍃

Our natural CBD extract comes from selected industrial hemp plants, which are naturally rich in cannabidiol and have an exceptionally low THC content. Cultivated in ecological EU agriculture, our plants stand for consistent avoidance of pesticides and herbicides. Through a gentle extraction in organic quality, we obtain the best ingredients of the hemp plant in a gentle and natural way.

Our premium extract impresses with its mild aroma and is refined with first-class organic hemp seed oil (carrier oil). The harmonious combination of the CBD-rich hemp leaf extract and the organic hemp seed oil results in an optimal effect and excellent tolerability. Our CBD oil contains only natural cannabidiol.

Benefits of CBD Natural Extract Premium 30%:High CBD content: With a powerful 30% CBD content, we offer the highest quality.

🌱 For balance and vitality: Give your well-being and vitality a natural boost.

🌍 Certified organic: From organic EU agriculture for first-class quality and sustainability.

💧 For the care of the oral mucosa: Supports the natural care of the oral mucosa.

🌿 High terpene entourage effect: the natural synergy of terpenes enhances the effectiveness of CBD.

INGREDIENTS: 🌱 100% Natural Ingredients: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil*, Cannabis Sativa Leaf Extract*, Tocopherol*

  • Ingredients of natural origin (100%)
    • Ingredients from controlled organic cultivation (78.5%)

WARNINGS: Keep out of the reach of children. Not suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children and young people.

Experience the pure power of nature with our CBD Natural Extract Premium Oil 30% - your source for comprehensive well-being.

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